Visa Information for Foreigners Visiting Mexico
It is necessary that you check with the authorities in your country before arriving in Mexico as oftentimes information can change.
General Information
A visitor visa allows you to stay in Mexico for a period of up to 180 days if carrying out any unpaid activities. This includes tourism, volunteering, studying courses shorter than 6 months, transit and attending business meetings, among others, as long as you are absolutely sure that no monetary earnings will be derived from your activities in Mexico.
Confirmation Letter for Visa Application Purposes
You need to have paid in full for the conference registration to receive a confirmation letter for Visa Application purposes.
Once you have registered and paid in full for the conference, you can request a letter for VISA Application purposes from
People requesting a VISA letter will need to send the following information along with their request:
First Name (As on your passport):
Middle Name (As on your passport):
Last Name (As on your passport):
Date of Birth:
Country of Birth:
Country of residence:
Passport Number:
Date and place of passport issue (nationality):
Academic/ Student belongs to the following university or organization:
University or Organization Address:
Contact person name and email at this university or organization:
Registration fees DO NOT include VISA application costs of any kind.
You are welcome to request an Invitation Letter for Visa Application purposes stating that you have been invited to attend TUFH 2020 in Mexico City from without having a fully paid conference registration.
Do I need a Visitor Visa?
If you are a Permanent Resident/Citizen of the following countries, you do not need a visitor visa to enter Mexico as a tourist/visitor (under 6 months), as long as you can provide proof of your permanent residence:
- Canada
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Japan
- Any country of the Schengen Space
If you have a valid multiple entry US visa, you can use it to enter Mexico for up to 180 days without a Mexican Visitor Visa, as long as your US visa is valid during your stay and you do not work while in Mexico.
If you are a business person within the APEC region (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) and have a APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC), you do not need a visa to enter Mexico as a visitor/business for up to three months.
If the exemptions do not apply, you will need to apply for a Mexican Visitor Visa.
You can check the list of the countries that do require a Mexican visitor visa here.
A |
Afganistán |
Albania |
Angola |
Antigua y Barbuda |
Arabia Saudita |
Argelia |
Armenia |
Azerbaiyán |
B |
Bahrein |
Bangladesh |
Belarús |
Benin |
Bolivia |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Botswana |
Brunei Darusalam |
Burkina Faso |
Burundi |
Bután |
C |
Cabo Verde |
Camboya |
Camerún |
Chad |
China |
Comoras |
Congo |
Congo, Rep. Dem. (Zaire) |
Corea del Norte |
Costa de Marfil |
Cuba |
D |
Djibuti |
Dominica |
Dominicana República |
E |
Egipto |
El Salvador |
Eritrea |
Etiopía |
F |
Federación Rusa |
Fiji Islas |
Filipinas |
G |
Gabón |
Gambia |
Georgia |
Ghana |
Grenada |
Guatemala |
Guinea |
Guinea Bissau |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
Guyana |
H |
Haití |
Honduras |
I |
India |
Indonesia |
Irak |
Irán |
J |
Jordania |
K |
Kazajistán |
Kenia |
Kirguistán |
Kiribati |
Kuwait |
L |
Laos |
Lesotho |
Líbano |
Liberia |
Libia |
M |
Macedonia |
Madagascar |
Malawi |
Maldivas |
Mali |
Marruecos |
Mauricio |
Mauritania |
Myanmar |
Moldova |
Mongolia |
Montenegro |
Mozambique |
N |
Namibia |
Nauru |
Nepal |
Nicaragua |
Niger |
Nigeria |
O |
Omán |
P |
Pakistán |
Palestina |
Papua Nueva Guinea |
Q |
Qatar |
R |
República Centroafricana |
República Árabe Saharaui Democrática |
Ruanda |
S |
Salomon Islas |
Samoa Occidental |
San Cristobal y Nieves |
San Vicente y Las Granadinas |
Santa Lucía |
Santa Sede |
Santo Tome y Príncipe |
Senegal |
Serbia |
Seychelles Islas |
Sierra Leona |
Siria |
Somalia |
Sri Lanka |
Sudáfrica |
Sudán |
Surinam |
Swazilandia |
T |
Tailandia |
Taiwán |
Tanzania |
Tayikistán |
Timor Oriental |
Togo |
Tonga |
Túnez |
Turkmenistán |
Turquía |
Tuvalu |
U |
Ucrania |
Uganda |
Uzbekistán |
V |
Vanuatu |
Vietnam |
Y |
Yemen |
Z |
Zambia |
Zimbawe |
Instituto Nacional de Migración
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